Positive Impact Life
The Power of Positive Impact Life
Are you looking for change; whether it is weight-loss, increasing personal sales, team sales, or needing to create a culture change within your organization? If so, Positive Impact Life is for you! It’s your personalized mentoring program that is designed to create a personal change management system, which adjusts human behavior on a micro-level.
Our main focus is helping people understand that we all have the power to change. Positive Impact Life is a revolutionary new cloud-based system to help people become more responsible for their own personal and business development.
Driving change begins with the power of accountability:
· What do you want?
· Why do you want it?
· Why don’t you have it?
· What are you willing to do to get it?
· What are the critical steps to get there?
Our motto: “Utilize, Gauge and Change”
Positive Impact Life is designed to identify and rank what you deem to be the most critical areas of your life or business through a five-star rating which we call your “PI Index”.
· Based on the importance and degree of change you need, your goals and actions are then developed with your desired end result in mind.
· Once your goals are established with timelines of accomplishment, they are then broken down into your specific action steps to achieve them.
· You will know every time you achieve a goal, what you have already accomplished and what else needs to be done. The results are then gathered in your success bank.
· This allows for true accountability, which inevitably drives results through a personal or corporate behavioral monitored system of change.
Have you ever wondered why most people are full of dreams and end up with wishes that never come true? The “I wish” syndrome is a dream stealer, because often we are unsure of how to move forward and make those dreams a reality.
Personal accountability is the only way we can truly succeed. We need to establish timelines and specify our goals; if that doesn’t happen, our dreams never become reality.
Takings assessments, adding goals, and applying action steps are simple and easy. Take accountability for your personal improvements and see your successes grow.
It’s like Alice in Wonderland meeting the Cheshire Cat and asking, “Where am I?” The cat responds, “It all depends on where you’re going.” When you do not know where you are going, all roads will lead there.
Our system will take 10 minutes a week to help you make micro behavioral changes on a macro level. Would this be value to you? If your answer is “yes”, allow us to introduce you to the Positive Impact platform. It allows you to create your future by design and not by accident.
If you feel that you, your staff or your organization can benefit from a better understanding of this amazing system of change, please sign in to request a complimentary custom presentation.
Positive Impact Life is our latest venture into personal improvement. This online platform gives YOU the opportunity to create a plan and visualize improvements and successes for achieving goals YOU set to better YOURSELF. Goals can be set for professional or personal aspects of your life and mapped out so they can be quickly achieved. For information we welcome you to contact us with your questions or LOGIN HERE.