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5 Forest Park Dr
Farmington, CT, 06032
United States

(860) 677-0020

Services Overview

Each of the following elements can be used alone, but your organization will receive the full synergistic effect when several are used in conjunction.

we do it — with customized solutions

Assessments, integrated with our Training Courses and/or Coaching ensure that people are able to immediately use their experiences with The Birch Group to become more productive, engaged and inspired in their positions.

  • Assessments

The foundation of our approach, the assessments we offer promote organizational and leadership development by providing valuable insights into behaviors, motivators, acumen, competencies, and emotional intelligence. These tools are cost effective, thoroughly validated and designed to meet the needs of employers and employees in any size organization, in any industry.

  • Training Courses

    • Professional Training

    • Technical Training

    • Quality & ISO

We offer numerous Training Courses designed to improve your business. All of our Training Courses are tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization. Courses can also be combine to create custom programs.


We offer a wide array of Process Improvement focused training and consulting from Lean to Six Sigma. The focus  is to reduce waste in processes, improve lead times and on time delivery, reduce inventory levels, cut costs and provide better service to the customer.

  • Coaching

Coaching is a highly interactive partnership and collaborative effort between the coach and an individual that understands the need for continuous self-improvement. The coaching process creates an environment of respect, safety, challenge, trust and accountability.